Tuesday, November 9, 2010


 We had a great Spooky Halloween here! This year's Family/Resident party at work was the best!! We of course did our yearly Pumpkins being thrown form our 4th story balcony, but we also added a twist......Shooting mini pumpkins off our balcony with or water balloon launcher. That was fun!  

Those of you who know me think this is photo shopped. Me?Sewing?Only for a cute little boy would I sew! My little friend Aiden needed a costume!

Brian's and Jimmy's. 

Annie's. Megan's.


  1. We never even carved our pumpkin this year. Lame, huh? I like yours. And nice spider costume!

  2. I love the pumpkins! They look awesome.

    I can't believe you sewed that!! That's awesome. Good work Annie :-)
